Friday, March 12, 2010

Naomi Tiana George

I meant to get this blog out on the anniversary of her leaving this earth to dance with Jesus. Of course life gets in the way but none-the-less she doesn't leave my mind.

My sweet cousin. She was born on August 29, 1996 and left this world on March 7, 2007. I will never forget the day I got that phone call. While I didn't get to spend a lot of time with her when she was growing up, I do remember the Christmases that were spent with her. If I had a scanner I would scan in the pictures that I hold precious to my heart. Embarassing for me or not!

My memories of her as a toddler are so vivid. I remember her being abnormally intelligent for her age. She had wild, brown ringlets, and big beautiful eyes. Her personality was so developed as a toddler running around it was such a joy to watch. We have hours of video of her entertaining us at family holiday get togethers. I recall her making me put a pull up on my head and she did too and we ran around like that playing together. I gave so many piggy back rides, I was sick of them, but loved it all the same. As she grew older you could tell she was wise beyond her years. We spent my last time with her doing big girl stuff such as doing each others hair. She was growing into a beautiful young lad and she conducted herself as one too.

I often think of how she would have loved that Todd and I married on her birthday, and man on my wedding day I thought of her a lot. I wish she could have been there to see it all happen. i am glad her parents and little brother attended even though it was her birthday. With Todd and I now living in Sherman, it crosses my mind about how we would be closer because her parents live in Ardmore. Only and hour away from Sherman. I imagine that I would have her come and spend weekends with us here, oh how I long for that chance. We all miss her. We all wish she hadn't have had to leave us. But I know that God's plans are greater than ours and I trust in His will for our lives.

Naomi, we miss you. I can't believe three years has gone by so quickly. I know I will see you again. I can't wait for that day! The world is still as beautiful as you left it, but a little piece of sunshine left the day you did.

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